Sunday, 31 January 2010

Sacred Journey Group

Spent a wonderful birthday at the Thistle Hotel Victoria with 22 fellow light worker - very special people, in a special room there. We meditated, did some crystal healing, took time to 'be in the moment,' sent out the light wherever it needed to go, for the highest good of the Earth and its inhabitants. An abundant, tasty shared lunch completed this very special day.
We are known as The Sacred Journey Group, we have been working together this time round for 3 years. (Prior to this we have worked together on and off since the early 90s) Initially in 2007 we met monthly and worked through The Labours of Hercules, a spiritual initiation of mammoth proportions, we really did not know what we had let ourselves in for! (See Alice Bailey) As the years rolled on we have met less in the 'physical' but worked more from a distance, meditating together at the New and Full moon and at other significant days and times of the year. It has been amazing, a total transformation on every level, and also a great support whilst 'being in the real world' doing our day to day work, facing challenges and trying to hold a high standard, taking the light wherever it is needed.

What I find so special about this spiritual family that I have shared so much time with over the years is their courage, support, honesty, integrity, light and love - and the amazing work they all do 'in the real world'. It is humbling to work with them and share the laughter and tears, the highs and lows, light and dark - we remind ourselves that we must hold onto what is really important in our lives -forget the outer trappings, focus on the spiritual, connect to the energy of the heart, bring Heaven down to Earth

Om Shanti, shanti, Shanti

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